Tourism Accommodation Australia (WA)
After 120 years of representing Western Australia’s accommodation hotel sector, The Australian Hotels Association has further committed to leading the industry with a re-naming and restructure of the National AHA Accommodation Division. “Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA)” is the new national identity to publicly represent and lobby specifically for accommodation hotels separately from the AHA’s general hospitality members.
The AHA has represented the interests of Western Australia’s Accommodation hotels since the early 1880’s, and has operated a dedicated accommodation hotels division since 1958. Tourism Accommodation Australia recognises the need for a clear representative voice for Australia’s accommodation sector.
As an accommodation property you receive membership with both the AHA and TAA simultaneously. TAA is a nationally identifiable entity to focus on accommodation sector issues and will provide a dedicated voice at a national level, together with the AHA’s strong network of existing State based Associations.
The majority of issues impacting our industry are determined at both the National and State levels. Within Western Australia, we focus on issues such as state taxation, tourism marketing, events, health regulations, fire safety and more and we will continue the necessary work with the WA Government and State politicians. In addition to the resources allocated by TAA nationally the AHA WA also monitors federal parliamentary issues that may impact on WA and we regularly are engaged in lobbying in Canberra.
In WA Grant Raubenheimer, the General Manager of the Pan Pacific Perth is President of the Division and Bradley Woods, CEO; Paul Brockschlager, Deputy CEO; Victoria Jackson, Government Relations & Accommodation Division Manager and Ron Ballucci, Manager of Employment and Regulatory Advice are the key staff servicing the accommodation sector.
TAA has appointed a Managing Director, Rodger Powell, whose major focus is on national issues and is based in Sydney while spending a large proportion of his time in Canberra.
In addition to the new National resources, the professional representation and support of our dedicated WA team, including our Employment & Regulatory Advice Division, Government and Political Relations Division, Training Division, Members Services Division, Media Division and Corporate & Events Division continue.
There are a number of dedicated state based resources that WA members utilise, including:
- Professional interpretation and advice in Workplace Relations and HR, including wage rates, unfair dismissals, and terminations;
- Representation and Lobbying on key issues affecting the Accommodation industry including: ensuring that the funding and service delivery of    organisations such as Tourism Western Australia, EventsCorp and the Perth Convention Bureau is adequately able to meet industry expectations;
- Advice and support on regulatory matters such as liquor licensing;
- Lobbying with Government Departments such as: Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Worksafe, Fair Work Australia, Fair Work Ombudsman, Equal Opportunity Commission and Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission;
- Information on Superannuation and Workers Compensation;
- Regular bi-monthly meetings for both General Managers/Owners and HR Personnel;
- Online accommodation survey, occupancy reports, and management salary survey;
- Participation in member events such as Accommodation Division Meetings and Accommodation Hotels Management Awards and Gala Ball;
- Eligibility to a range of member benefits and discounts from leading suppliers to the industry.
The AHA and TAA are Australia’s only truly national hotel accommodation representative body and continue to provide a targeted response to the complex and rapidly evolving issues facing the Australian and Western Australian accommodation industry.